The Weir, by acclaimed playwright Conor McPherson, premiered at the Gate in 1998 to critical and successful acclaim. This atmospheric tour de force, set in present day rural Ireland, finds Valerie, on arriving at a small country bar, spellbound by an evening of ghostly stories from the local bachelors.
Their tales, both funny and chilling, are a mesmerising mixture of rumour and local legend. However, much to their surprise, she has her own story to tell…
Mark Lambert Genevieve O’Reilly Sean McGinley David Ganly Denis Conway
Director:Garry Hynes
” ****”
” **** “Enthralling””
” Thrilling…enough magic to captivate all””
Evening Herald
” Mesmerising””
Sunday Business Post
” Utterly engrossing, magical and darkly amusing, this is an excellent production””
” Gripping and entertaining””
Irish Independent
“…exceptional…superb ensemble””
The Irish Times